
To format the border,
use the short-hand method:
Border: (size) (style) (color);
ex: "Border: 2px solid black;"

This shorthand can only define one border size. To create different border sizes, use "border-top" or "border-right" etc.
ex: "Border-right: 1px solid black;"
2px solid red
2px dotted blue
5px groove green
2px dashed orange
5px double purple
5px outset #286ea0
5px inset #286ea0
7px ridge #ccc
2px solid red; border-right:0px
border-top:2px solid #99ffcc;
border-bottom: 1px solid #999


To format the padding,
use the short-hand method:
Padding: (top) (right) (bottom) (left);
ex: "Padding: 10px 3px 5px 3px;"

or, if the top/bottom padding is the same
and the left/right padding is the same:
Padding: (top/bottom) (right/left);
padding: 0 0 0 0
padding: 5px 3px 0 0
padding: 5px 3px
padding: 5px


To format the font,
use the short-hand method:
Font: (style) (variant) (weight) (size)/(line-height) (family);
ex: "Font: italic small-caps bold 12px Arial, sans-serif;"

Use the "color" property to
define the font color
font: italic bold 14px Times,serif
font: oblique 11px/18px Arial,sans-serif
font: small-caps 11px/11px Verdana,sans-serif
font:13px/14px Tahoma; color: blue


Formatting text has the following properties:
word - spacing: 5px
Inline vertical-align:subsuper

text-indent:5px, which applies only to block elements like headings or paragraphs. It indents the first line of every new block element

text-decoration: underline
text-decoration: overline
text-decoration: line-through

Classification & Lists:

Classification has the following properties:
display: block; puts a line break before and afterlike so
The shorthand for defining list styles is:
List-style: (type) (position) (url)
  • list-style:circle outside, which means it doesn't wrap around the marker
  • list-style: square inside, which means it wraps around the marker
  • list-style:decimal
*there's also "lower- and upper-roman" & "lower- and upper-alpha"