PHP Sample Code

An Image Upload Script

Here is a handy script that will upload an image from a form that has <input type="file" name="pic" />:

@ extract($_POST);
$filename = $_FILES['pic']['name']; //the actual file name
$temp = $_FILES['pic']['tmp_name']; //the temporary PHP name that's created
if ($temp!="")
   $filename_array = explode(".", $filename); //separates the file name string by the "." so we can check the file type
   $type = strtolower($filename_array[count($filename_array)-1]); //make lowercase
   if ($type != "jpg" && $type != "jpeg" && $type != "gif" && $type !="png")
     $error = "wrongFormat";
      $ext = ".jpg";
      $name = "my_new_image".$ext; //creates a new file name called "my_new_image.jpg"
      $newfile = "root/mySite/images/".$name; //creates the whole file location
      @ unlink($newfile);
      @ $result = move_uploaded_file($temp, $newfile); //copies the file to the new location
      if (!$result)
         $error = "unable to move";

Submitting Form Results Through Email

So there's this REALLY awesome thing called "PHPMailer" which some people decided to create one day and you can download it at THEN once you download it, you should put it in your local folder for your website.

Now, create a new PHP file called "Email.php" and have it require the "class.phpmailer.php" file within the downloaded PHPMailer folder. Here is the Email.php code, commented:

require_once ('phpmailer/class.phpmailer.php');
class Email
   var $mailer = ""; //this will be the mailer object
   var $subject = ""; //this is the subject of our email
   var $text = ""; //this is the body of our email, in plain text
   var $fromName = ""; //this is the name of the person sending the email
   var $fromEmail = ""; //this is the email of the person sending the email
   var $toEmail = ""; //this is the email address that we are sending to
   function Email()
      $this->mailer = new PHPMailer();
      $this->mailer->Mailer = "mail";
   function send()
      $this->mailer->Subject = $this->subject; //sets our subject...
      $this->mailer->Body = $this->text; //sets our message body...
      $this->mailer->FromName = $this->fromName; //sets our from name...
      $this->mailer->From = $this->fromEmail; //the email we're sending to...
      $this->mailer->AddAddress($this->toEmail,$this->toName); //add this address...
      if (!$this->mailer->Send()) //SEND, but if it doesn't work, print an error
         trigger_error("Message was not sent. Mailer Error: " . $mail->ErrorInfo, E_USER_WARNING);
      return true;

...and now create a "Mailer.php" file that has all the special email methods like maybe "sendNotificationEmail" or "sendForgottenPassword" etc. All you have to do is include the Email.php file and create a new class called "Mailer" with all your different functions. In each function, create a new Email object:

$mail = new Email();

...and then you can specify all of the email properties like toEmail and subject and message. These can all be parameters for your various functions.
